Welcome to My RStudio Portfolio

Focused Analysis: The Titanic Dataset

This page showcases a data analysis project focused on the Titanic dataset using RStudio. The project covers data exploration, visualization, and statistical analysis.

Data Exploration

Before diving into the analysis, I first explored the dataset to understand the various features and gather basic statistics.

During data exploration, I found that the Titanic dataset contains the following variables:

The dataset contains a total of [number of observations] observations and [number of variables] variables.

Data Visualization

Visualizing data helps in better understanding and gaining insights. Here are some visualizations I created:

Statistical Analysis

I used R to perform statistical analysis on the Titanic dataset.

Conclusion and Insights

Based on the analysis of the Titanic dataset, here are some key findings and insights:

Video Demonstration

Watch this video for a proof of concept demonstration that will be replaced with a micro RStudio lesson.

Video Title
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